New poll finds about half of rural young people feel job market pressures in their hometowns
A new Gallup-Walton Family Foundation survey released Wednesday shows that nearly half of rural Generation Z Americans feel they can't find...
Read MoreCongress' Job Approval Jumps 70 Percent Since MAGA Took Over in January
The Founding Fathers expected elected legislators to remain closest to the sovereign people in both interests and affection. Those great men got many...
Read MoreWhat’s Really Behind the House Bill to Ban Transgender Athletes from School Sports?
Trans people comprise a scant portion of athletes, at all levels, but the drive to bar them from participating in competitive sports has never been...
Read MoreNew Poll Finds Americans' Trust in Media at Lowest Point in 50 Years
Trust for mass media among the American people is at its lowest point in 50 years, according to new polling from Gallup. It’s very easy to see how...
Read MoreVictor Reacts: It Is No Wonder That Trust in the Media Is Low (VIDEO)
After years of disgusting lies and propaganda it is no wonder why trust in the legacy media is at a 50 year low. Headlines from outlets like MSNBC...
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