The Humans Teaching Birds to Migrate
In today’s newsletter, Nick Paumgarten on his reporting about the painstaking, quixotic efforts to save an endangered species, and then: Nick PaumgartenPaumgarten has been a staff writer for twenty years. I first heard about the project to...
Continue ReadingA newly spotted asteroid has a small chance of hitting Earth in 2032
The potential impact would occur on December 22, 2032.
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Dhakhaatiirtu waxay sheegaan in qalliinkan naf-badbaadinta ah in uu yahay mid dhif iyo naadir ah oo lagu arko hal ilmo...
Read MoreThe Lunar Economy Is Coming
The launch of the Blue Ghost module, scheduled to land on the moon early next month, is a key step in creating an...
Read MoreNASA's ISS will live on through 2030, agency announces
NASA announced on Friday the Biden administration is extending operations of the International Space Station (ISS)...
Read MoreKesehatan: Cara kuku mengungkap kondisi kesehatan, dari penyakit kulit hingga autoimun
Ada banyak petuah lama tentang menilai kesehatan melalui kuku, seperti bintik-bintik putih pada kuku atau leukonychia...
Read MoreAsthma drug showed positive results in trials for people with nasal polyps
An asthma drug has shown positive results when used to treat nasal polyps, researchers have said. Tezepelumab was first...
Read MoreI thought only unhealthy old smokers got lung cancer but I was 46, fit as a fiddle and given 5 years to...
WHEN Kerrie Mitchell found a lump just beneath her neck, she never imagined it could be lung cancer. For at 46, the...
Read MoreDid a Rock Hit Your Windshield, or Did Your Windshield Hit a Rock?
Either way, it sucks. But at least there’s some fun physics to ponder while you’re sitting in the repair shop.
Read MoreFlorida panthers are facing an increasingly urgent threat from traffic
A young Florida panther's death in January marked a grim start to the year for the endangered species. The male...
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