Scientists from one of America’s most highly respected institutions have proven that the so-called conspiracy theorists were right once again regarding the COVID-19 shot.
The New York Times reported on Wednesday that scientists from Yale University have linked the COVID-19 shot to rare and alarming syndrome referred to as “post-vaccination syndrome.” This condition was previously unknown to almost the entire country.
In addition, scientists also discovered the vaccine can re-awaken a dormant virus in the body called Epstein-Barr. This virus can cause symptoms such as an enlarged spleen, swollen liver, swollen lymph nodes in the neck, and a rash.
Akiko Iwasaki, an immunologist at Yale University who led the study, tried to tamp down any concerns the general public may have.
“I want to emphasize that this is still a work in progress,” Iwasaki told The New York Times
“It’s not like this study determined what’s making people sick,” she added. “but it’s the first kind of glimpse at what may be going on within these people.”
The researchers’ next step will be to determine how many people have been afflicted with this syndrome and those most vulnerable.
This is the latest example of serious medical health problems potentially caused by the COVID-19 shot. For years, people have said they have suffered life-altering injuries including brain damage, heart failure, and partial paralyzation following ‘vaccination.’
The Gateway Pundit also reported back in January about an absolutely shocking biological change to a 19-year-old woman’s body after getting ‘vaccinated’ for COVID.
She experienced rapid breast enlargement just one week after receiving her first dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in September 2022. Then, her condition worsened following the second dose, with her breast size increasing dramatically from a B cup to a triple G over six months.
Members of the military have also revealed injuries resulting from getting the shot forced on them by the Biden regime. These members could now receive medical compensation as a result.
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