Victor Davis Hanson Explains That the MAGA Revolution is Actually a Counter-Revolution to the Insanity of the Left (VIDEO)

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Victor Davis Hanson Explains That the MAGA Revolution is Actually a Counter-Revolution to the Insanity of the Left (VIDEO)

In a video recently shared on Twitter/X, the always brilliant Victor Davis Hanson broke down how the MAGA revolution is not actually a revolution, but a counter-revolution aimed at reversing the damage that the left has done in recent years.

Hanson points back to the Obama years and follows through to the Biden years, which he correctly describes as Obama’s third and most radical term.

He points out the many crazy things the left has done in that time, changing the way we vote, tearing down statues, rewriting our history, inventing new genders and on and on.

He suggests that MAGA is a almost more of a restoration than a revolution.

Partial transcript via Real Clear Politics:

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: They call it the “MAGA Revolution.” It is not a revolution, it is a counter-revolution. There’s a big difference.

This is a restoration, let’s use the word restoration.

We don’t know or appreciate what we’ve been through with eight years of the Obama administration and then the third more radical term of Obama using or employing the waxen effigy of Joe Biden.

The revolution that we’ve experienced was cultural, economic, political, and social. It was very similar to the French Revolution under Robespierre. Remember what they tried to do, they changed the days of the week, they renamed things, they tore down statues, they went after the church. Does this sound familiar?

In this revolution we’ve experienced, everything was up for sale and everything was negotiable.

We invented a third gender and rammed it down people’s throats. We tore down statues. We said 1776 was no longer the foundational date, it was 1619. We changed the very mechanism by which we vote — we went from 70% of the electorate voting on election day to 70% of the electorate, not doing that either through mail-in or early voting. That was a radical change that had no discussion. It was done by fiat. It was incredible.

Watch the whole thing below, this is amazing analysis:

Hanson is one of the great thinkers of our time. His take on this is perfect and if Democrats and the media wanted to understand the current political and cultural landscape, they would listen to him.



Content creator at LTD News. Passionate about delivering high-quality news and stories.


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