Trans activists stormed the Iowa Capitol building on Thursday in protest of legislation that recognizes that there are only two genders.
The Des Moines Register reports that over 2,500 people filled the Capitol, chanting and holding signs that called for lawmakers to reject a bill they claim will infringe on their civil rights.
Protesters chanted slogans including “Trans rights are human rights,” “We’re here, we’re queer, we will not disappear” and “No hate in our state.”
The bill would redefine “sex” and “gender” in Iowa law and eliminate the option for transgender individuals to update the sex on their birth certificate, even after undergoing sex-change surgery or related medical treatments.
As lawmakers voted on the measure, a spectator from the gallery shouted, “Hope you’re proud of yourself,” while another shouted, “Fascist scumbags, eat sh*t!”
Danny Carroll of the Christian organization The Family Leader told The Iowa Capital Dispatch that the measure was necessary due to the “unintended consequences” of adding gender identity to the state’s civil rights code in 2007.
He pointed to court rulings that overturned a state law barring Medicaid coverage for gender-confirmation surgery and allowed transgender women access to women’s shelters and correctional facilities.
“They probably did not anticipate the legal complaints that would be filed against businesses because they believe sex is limited to a man and a woman and they act accordingly,” Carroll said.
“And finally, anticipating level of legal complaints filed against an employer because they want to conduct their business according to the traditional understanding of male or female.”
”There’s still many rights that are retained, all the rights and freedoms that we’ve already had.”
The legislation is expected to easily pass the Iowa House and Senate and will consequently be sent to the desk of Gov. Kim Reynolds for signing.
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