Somewhere in deepest China, a real-life version of Squid Games is taking place – albeit it with less death. The hit Netflix series has taken over the world, with videos of people attempting some of the games from the show in streets, at parties or just with friends.
And while those games have zero money or jeopardy placed on them, a version of the game in China has taken over social media with high stakes cash on offer for the winner. However, death is not one of the prizes for the losers . . . although it doesn't make it any less dramatic.
According to several Chinese news outlets, the grand prize total is around £100k and all you have to do is stay alone for 26 days. But it's not THAT simple, obviously, as there are several conditions you'll be put under during that time period.
The first, according to Aboluowang, sees you plunged into total darkness from 10pm to 6am, and you can only turn the lights on and off once per day around those hours. Some people are in what appears to be hotel rooms, while others are in apartments or weirdly a prison cell.
Your every move will be streamed live and you'll be disqualified if you, cover, move or turn off the cameras during the 26 days. And to make it more challenging – players are banned from covering their faces for longer than three seconds during the game, even during the pitch black hours.
You are allowed to use a mobile phone, but you're giving specific time allowances and you must be on camera at the time. It has been dubbed the “self-discipline” challenge by some, as there is also beer placed in the room that you are not allowed to drink.
The prize starts at around 6,800 yuan for three days, which works out at around £760, and grows to 28,000 yuan after six days, 58,000 yuan for nine days and 88,000 for 12 days, with the winner bagging around 859,700 yuan if they can last the full 26 days.
So far, one man was eliminated after just 24 hours because he covered his face for more than three seconds, however was allowed to return again after paying around £800 as an entry fee.
However, the man was eliminated again while turning away from the camera to make his bed – so he paid the fee once more to re-enter.
He was removed once more for covering the beer cans from the camera – which seems a bit harsh if you ask us. He reportedly called the police to see if they could help him get his money back, but a legally binding contract states the competitions rules so there was nothing that could be done.
Another contestant was removed after rubbing their eyes for more than three seconds . . . but at least he wasn't killed over it.
The latest season of Squid Games has now finished on Netflix but it looks like we won't have too long to wait for season 3. Unlike the wait we had following the success of the first season, the third season will be out later this year.
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