Mystery surrounds cyclist seen riding around Leamington Spa dressed as Batman

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Mystery surrounds cyclist seen riding around Leamington Spa dressed as Batman

The mystery began when the caped commuter was caught on camera ‘flying’ along a sleepy road at 6.45am in Leamington Spa.

David Winterburn, 48, a company director, was so intrigued after the Bat-cyclist flashed past his window on Sunday that he retrieved CCTV from a neighbour to confirm what he had seen.

‘I was making a cup of coffee in front of the window when I saw Batman go flying past on the road,’ he said.

‘His cape was flapping, he was going at some speed.

‘I couldn’t quite believe what I’d seen as it happened so randomly and I was questioning myself all day until other people told me they’d also seen him.’

A neighbour of David’s was then able to retrieve CCTV footage of the town’s mysterious road user cycling past.

‘A lot of people have seen him,’ he said.

‘One person said he has the best Batman outfit she has ever seen and he’s even been seen in Halfords buying a puncture repair kit.

‘I put a still on Facebook hoping he would come forward, but so far it’s a mystery.’

A flood of wisecracks poured in after David sent out the Bat-signal.

Some locals responded by saying they had also seen the character, who is usually more at home in Gotham City than a British town famed for its spa water and Jephson Gardens.

One sleuth posted a clip with a mountain biker dressed as Batman while she sang the film’s theme tune.

But the sighting has yet to be confirmed.

One Facebook user weighed in: ‘Maybe Batman was out looking for Robin (someone).’

Another wrote: ’He’s a regular at Halfords…truth.’

The Dark Knight’s impersonator’s mode of transport was praised by one local, who wrote: ‘Batman’s gone green!’

Ordinary people dressing up as superheroes to gain attention has set tongues wagging before.

In October, Metro told how a man dressed as Deadpool to stop motorists from speeding outside his house after his cat was struck down and killed.

Mark Spaven, from Nottinghamshire, dressed up as the Marvel comic character while waving a ‘slow down please’ homemade sign.

In 2016, American student Raymond Luna told Metro how he had given a presentation on the history of cosplay in a Batman suit.

‘I wanted to cosplay since a kid,’ he said. ‘I mean who doesn’t want to be a superhero?’

Are you the Batman cyclist? Get in touch at [email protected]



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