WITH 2025 well under way, you might be wondering what's in store for you in the coming months.
If so, you're in luck - we've got just the thing you need with our exclusive March tarot readings from expert astrologist, Kerry King.
Who is the tarot queen?
Kerry King, the tarot queen, uses tarot and star sign wisdom to create inspiring forecasts and insights, with nearly 30 years fortune telling experience, and many happy clients all over the world.
Join Kerry’s secret tarot club for exclusive forecasts, predictions, lessons, readings and 1-1 access to Kerry.
Sun readers get a WHOLE MONTH for FREE with this link
Find all of Kerry’s magical books, decks and journals here.
Opportunities to strengthen, repair, and be a hero!
Love & Relationships – Five of Cups
What’s done is done, what’s passed is history, let sleeping dogs lie.
The Five of Cups hints you might be nursing some regrets about a past love or event in your current relationship. Put it all behind you. Clean slate.
March is all about new beginnings, so look ahead (not back, never back).
Everything can be repaired, fixed, improved, renewed. Don’t let the past define or dampen you.
Work & Purpose – Five of Swords
Wherever there is conflict or tension or disagreement, look closer. Don’t get involved or add fuel to the fire (however tempting…), instead ask questions or just observe closely and start to fathom what is driving this issue. Get to the root cause. Get to the crux of it.
People rarely SAY what is really going on, you have to look harder.
When you ‘get’ it, play mediator, offer resolutions at that root causelevel. Be the hero of the hour and you’ll get good rewards.
Omen to look out for – Strength
Look for the number 1 or 11, or repeats of both.Look for lions and apex predator creatures (bears, tigers, crocodiles, sharks…).Look out for challenges, competitions, shows or rivalries about tests of strength.
If you notice one of these omens then you’re being given the chance to test yourself, prove something, and in this action build your confidence and self-esteem. Do it!
A great deal of positive change lies in store
Love & Relationships – Death
Know any Scorpios? They are your opposite sign and an irresistible, sexually charged energy for all Taureans, maybe you’re going to fall in love with one this March- as the Death card indicates that star sign.
Perhaps too a relationship that has run its course will wither and die off, leaving you free to pursue new, healthier, happier connections. Renew your relationship realm, refresh the vibes.
Work & Purpose – The Wheel of Fortune
Times they are a-changing! Bob Dylan said it, you’re going to live it. And it all begins with a shift in what it is you want to pursue and prioritise.
Maybe this is about career, maybe about education andlearning, maybe about your hobbies and personal goals.
You are transforming and it’s this core, your ambition, that's fuelling and driving the changes.
This process will play out in March, more in May, then again in August and November. Much to come!
Omen to look out for – Ten of Wands
Look for the number 1 or 10, or repeats of both.Look for broken branches or trees (perhaps following storm damage).Look out for spots which look so peaceful and restful that you just want to sit there in solitude for a while (do it).
If you notice one of these omens then you’re being given a nudge to cancel or withdraw from something you didn’t really want to do anyway! Time for deep rest. Give yourself more space.
You’re being prepared for your greatest achievement yet
Love & Relationships – Justice
Do the right thing, Gemini. Play nice, play like Lady Karma is watching you (she is…) and you’re going to be super ethical and kind to everyone, no matter what. You will be rewarded for this effort, youwill build great integrity and good karma points.
Look out for Libra folk you feel attracted to, this is a great sign for Gemini, you’re both smart and curious Air signs and you can have a lot of fun together.
Work & Purpose – The World
One goal or role or pathway is coming to its natural conclusion, you’ve reached the full potential it offers you and it’s time to think about where you’re heading next, what will replace this activity.
Look ahead, look broadly, look globally even! You have so much more to do, offer, create, learn, and earn! Your next phase will be your ultimate achievement, so aim high, think big. Start planning yourmasterpiece.
Omen to look out for – Eight of Cups
Look for the number , or repeats of it.Look for waterways which seem dry or drained or trickle off into nothing.Look out for images or videos of people crying that really move you, touch a tender spot.
If you notice one of these omens then you’re being asked to let go of something that no longer serves you or has no more potential. Let it go. Make space for the next, new, big thing! It’s time.
Give and take makes your world go round
Love & Relationships – Seven of Coins
You’re been doing a lot of thinking and reflection lately on your relationships- the good, bad, and downright ugly. You can see new patterns and connections regarding what you’ve repeatedlypursued, and met with apathy or negativity.
You can see links to childhood or family dynamics. You are ready to move towards a new outlook and a different kind of vibe in your relationships. Earth signs look super positive this March- Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus.
Work & Purpose – Six of Coins
Make do-gooding your absolute priority and goal this March and you will reap more rewards than you can imagine. Doing good turns for colleagues, collaborators, bosses, clients, suppliers, and anyone in your circle will return the favours back to you tenfold. Be the person who makes things better. Be the trouble shooter, the problem solver, the helper, the mediator.
You are skilled at supporting, and you can get more from it than you think.
Omen to look out for – The Fool
Look for the number 0, or repeats of it.Look for small dogs, feathers, cliff edges, and radical new technology opportunities or showcases.Look out for unexpected invitations, opportunities, and openings.
If you notice one of these omens then you’re asked to turn the page and start a new story withwhatever it is in front of you in that moment! Don’t overthink it, do it!
Shades of light and dark define your month ahead
Love & Relationships – Three of Swords
Betrayal absolutely sucks and those knives in the back are terrible to experience, they leave lasting scars. Don’t let people off the hook who have done this to you. Don’t excuse or overlook their pettiness and nastiness. Don’t diminish your suffering to keep things on an even keel. Raise hell, Leo!
React how you would if they did this to a vulnerable person you loved. Be your own guardian and protector. Show them what you expect, demand, and will no longer suffer. Fight.
Work & Purpose – Queen of Cups
A beautiful phase of creativity, feeling in flow with what you’re doing, and getting great feedback and responses is coming. All you need to do is to pursue the tasks, collaborations, objectives, andprojects that you’d love to contribute to.
Follow your intuition and gut instinct as to what would befun, enjoyable, rewarding, and successful.
You are at your best when you LOVE what you do. That iscoming this March.
Omen to look out for – The Hermit
Look for the number 9, or repeats of it.Look for lanterns, caves, gurus and mystics, and Virgo folk.Look out for unanswered questions or topics that beg for research and investigation.
If you notice one of these omens then you’re finally finding the intellectual quest that you need to go on, solo, to discover a truth or idea that will change your whole life.
Reflections, promotions, and resistance to temptations
Love & Relationships – The High Priestess
Sometimes it’s a good idea to take a mental (if not physical too) time out from serving, helping, being with other people and refocus your internal gaze on yourself.
The High Priestess asks you to spend as much time in your own company as possible this March- actively reflecting, journalling,meditating.
Ask yourself: ‘Who am I? What do I wish for? What makes me excited? What do I hope for?’… answer these questions honestly and return to your relationships with a new outlook.
Work & Purpose – Three of Coins
Your hard work, integrity, and results have attracted attention from people with influence and power. They admire you and are ready to offer you new opportunities, projects, or rewards. So, putyourself in the limelight this March. Be visible. Showcase your successes, make sure people know what you deliver.
Being in the right place at the right time, with a good attitude, will attract a winning opportunity, maybe a promotion.
Omen to look out for – The Devil
Look for the number 15, or repeats of it.Look for symbols associated with the devil (chains, pentacles, horns, goats, fiery chasms).Look out for temptations, distractions, bad habits beckoning you back to their lair.
If you notice one of these omens then you’re being gifted with the willpower to remember your resolve and kick something lingering and unhealthy or negative to the curb, once and for all.
Relationship bliss and progression in your purpose make you feel great
Love & Relationships – The Star
Once upon a dream, Aquarius, you had a vision of love and The Star means it’s now ready to be gifted to you by the Universe! A dream lover will cross your path (look out for Aquarians, dreamyeyed clever and truthful folk with an air of eccentricity).
A change in your current relationship will unlock fresh passion and connection. A sense of peace with where you’re at will bring great joy.
Work & Purpose - Four of Wands
You’re on the move and on the up! Four of Wands brings promotion, progression, and advancement. Sometimes through a change of role, environment, and even location. If you’re looking for work in anew place, then apply like crazy! Sometimes through education and learning, so if there’s a course you long to do then now’s the time. Invest in your own advancement. Do what it takes.
Omen to look out for – Two of Wands
Look for the number 2 or 22, or repeats of both.Look for doubles, duos, couples, co-joined objects (like salt and pepper shakers or pestle andmortar).Look out for cross roads approaching in your own life. Choice junctions which you must navigate.
If you notice one of these omens then you’re being nudged to pro-actively prioritise and pick the ‘thing’ you’re going to invest in, at the expense of things, this March. You can’t have it all!
You’re ready for new space, territory and opportunities across the board
Love & Relationships – The Chariot
Get ready for a wild ride, Scorpio (just how you like it). A Cancerian lover is coming your way, a perfect match, a person who challenges, enthrals, and excites you. Perhaps you meet on the move, during a commute, or trip or holiday. Perhaps you very quickly bond and get away together.
If you’re attached then this is the March for a dirty weekend somewhere new to both of you. Have fun! A new scene = new energy.
Work & Purpose – Queen of Wands
You feel expansive, confident, and ready to take on more (as long as you get more back in return). This is a time to rise!
Look out for mentors or people who have done things you think are impressive, even if they’re famous folk. Read their stories, listen to their wisdom or insight, see what you can mirror in yourown actions and steps this month. You are growing rapidly.
Omen to look out for – Page of Coins
Look for school symbols (crests, uniforms, mottos, equipment), ancient books, out-of-use money (notes or coins).Look out for advertisements or invitations to study something interesting.
If you notice one of these omens then you’re being nudged to invest in some formal (classes, lectures, courses) or informal (books, podcasts, online forums) education this March. Back to school.
Keep working hard (it’s working!) but have as much fun as possible too
Love & Relationships – King of Wands
A love adventure awaits you this March! A fellow Fire sign (Leo, Aries, Sagittarius) who is a total match for your wild, fiery, fun energy is on the cards- don’t miss out on instant attractions and sparks that fly at the first meeting. If you’re attached then put adventure back on the menu, in whatever way makes you and your partner feel thrilled!
Work & Purpose – Nine of Coins
You’re on the right track. You are working hard, putting the efforts in, and you’re starting to see the rewards, the growth, the potential opening up in front of you. Keep going, keep building, keep beingconsistent. Its consistency that wins the day every time. Talent can be outworked. Skill can be learned. Experience is the gift of every ounce of effort you make, whether you win, lose, or draw. It’s all worthwhile. Keep going- riches lies ahead.
Omen to look out for – Page of Wands
Look for childlike adventure outings i.e. theme parks, circuses, pantomimes, puppets, movies, musicals etc.Look out for silly, frivolous, fun, and entertaining events and exhibitions or shows locally.
If you notice one of these omens then you’re being asked to go along, enjoy yourself, and return to a more childlike version of yourself, just for an afternoon or evening. That version of you hassomething important to share.
Revelations, inspirations, dreams come true, and rethinks… a lot happening!
Love & Relationships – Nine of Cups
A super romantic month lies ahead. The Nine of Cups is like a cosmic wish pass granting you a dream come true? What will it be? Make sure you know what it is you’re seeking in your love life, have aclear vision, then be the one who makes the shift, lives or acts that way. Show the universe what you want with overt action and it will be delivered.
Work & Purpose – The Tower
You’ve had doubts about something in this realm for a while now and this March those suspicions will be confirmed. Actually, it’s all a relief, you can stop dreading or wondering what will be. Now you know. And now you can rebuild whatever was lost or broken on much firmer foundations. Don’t cling to anything that leaves this realm in March, let it go, it wasn’t meant to be. Better is coming.
Omen to look out for – The Hanged Man
Look for the number 12, or repeats of it.Look for ropes, swings, nets, and anything about the planet Neptune!Look out for areas of life you feel in limbo, extremely frustrated by a lack of action or progression.
If you notice one of these omens then you’re being asked to step back and look at something annoying with a fresh perspective, from a different perspective, through the eyes of another. Theanswer you seek lies outside your own experience.
Have fun, be grateful, get out and about, but side-step the haters
Love & Relationships – Three of Cups
So much fun, laughter, playfulness, affection, and joy coming your way through your relationship ream this March. Spring is here and you love being out and about, socialising, mingling- activate allof that! Life is short- we’re here for a good time not a long time. Make the most of your love, family, friends, and acquaintances. Permission to party and play! If you’re looking for love- a very fun and upbeat Water sign (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio) is waiting to meet you at a party!
Work & Purpose – Four of Cups
You might have lost sight of the advantages, rewards, and perks of where you’re currently at. The Four of Cups can indicate boredom and dissatisfaction, focusing on what you lack vs what you have.Refocus. Force the gratitude because it helps you reboot and feel better AND it attracts more opportunity and new news because the Universe loves to help those who are grateful for it!
Omen to look out for – Seven of Swords
Look for the number 7 or 77, or repeats of both.Look for stories or songs about betrayal, sharp knives in weird places, knots and tangles.Look out for folk you don’t feel 100% sure of even though they’ve done nothing wrong (yet).
If you notice one of these omens then you are being asked to trust a gut instinct about someone and be cautious, self-protective, and guarded. Don’t let people in who haven’t earned your full trust.
Love, learn, and get lucky!
Love & Relationships – Two of Cups
You deserve relationship bliss, Pisces, because you give your all to those you love. The Two of Cups reveals this bliss is coming in March. Whatever your relationship status, expect it to go up a notch.
From single to enthralled, from dating to commitment, from commitment to engaged etc. Water sign folk are on the cards for you (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio)- a true soul mate connection.
Work & Purpose – Page of Cups
Be honest and admit where you feel inexperienced, under-prepared, or lacking skill. Say it, and then ask for support or ideas or input to help get you back up to speed and feeling in control andconfident.
Action creates confidence (not the other way around). Doing things to address insecurities is the only way to overcome them. There are many sources of support around you- usethem and feel empowered.
Omen to look out for – Six of Wands
Look for the number 6 or 66, or repeats of both.Look for symbols of luck or games of chance (casinos, dice, green baize cloth, roulette, betting slips).Look out for competitions, challenges, targets, and goals that intrigue you.
If you notice one of these omens then you’re being asked to take a chance and try to win something. The Six of Wands is a lucky break, a winning streak, a fortunate event. It’s time to get lucky!
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