Aries (March 20 – April 19)
For ages, you've been seeking ways around obstacles as irritating as they've been unexpected. Yet your efforts to untangle these have been frustratingly unrewarding. The solution? Adopt an uncharacteristically easygoing approach. Within days, if not hours, you'll be thrilled to discover you've figured out exactly what to do. After that, the rest will fall into place, as if by magic.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Few things annoy you more than being caught in the midst of a battle between two very determined, if not stubborn, individuals, both of whom are shockingly short of facts. Tempting as it is to give them advice, find an expert. Not only will they do the job brilliantly, better yet, you'll learn a lot from them in the process.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
While those around you don't just envy your charm, but wish they could use it to outwit certain tricky individuals, you're in the midst of lengthy and complex discussions. Think of them as a jumping off point. From there onward, they are nothing but a distraction. The sooner the plans and ideas you're talking over become reality, the better.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Ages ago you realised that as fond as you are of certain individuals, you can only spend so much time with them before you need a break. This is no surprise, because the individuals in question really enjoy creating and settling into a routine as tedious as, at times, it is predictable. Don't even try to discuss this. Simply reorganise their plans and change the subject.
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
You don't think of yourself as stubborn, but certain individuals don't just regard that as a virtue, when facing obstacles, they'll seek your advice. Tell them what you think, but be aware they could disagree with both your thinking and your plans. If so, back off. Within days, something far better will come your way.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
As an observant Virgo and a practical earth sign, long ago you realised that certain worrying plans or arrangements need to be discussed frankly, and the sooner the better. Yet you're short of ideas. Get together with others and conduct a brainstorming session. This will reveal the big picture. From that point onward, you'll be both confident and enthusiastic.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
After weeks of debating the pros and cons of certain plans, you've finally convinced certain unusually difficult individuals to at least give others' ideas a try. So far, there's been lots of grumbling but no action. For now, back off. While, obviously, decisions will need to be made sooner or later, there's plenty of time. You and others would only regret rushing into plans and arrangements.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
No sign is better at spotting those times when pressing matters need to be discussed versus those that aren't actually urgent but would benefit from being rethought. The problem? Not everybody is interested or even cares. Actually, that's great, because it means you're unlikely to face other people's pointless issues or objections.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
For ages, you've been trying to get certain rather stubborn individuals to break away from their familiar routine and broaden their horizons, but with little success. Don't give up. What or who seems least promising could turn out to be a brilliant solution. The challenge? Managing to be patient while those promising ideas and offers turn into reality.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Once you understand that the practical side of your nature can sometimes override your softer and more sensible approach to life, you'll understand what's behind the confusion you're wrestling with. Pressing as decisions seem, not only can they wait, it'd probably be a good idea. This, in turn, ensures you've time to explore the new, and often intriguing, ideas and offers currently coming your way.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 17)
You have rare gift, but it's one you rarely think about, mostly because it's become so natural to you. And that's your amazing ability to spot, and get involved in, plans involving interesting people and places. For now, focus on exploring absolutely everything that comes your way. Decisions? Yes, you'll make them. But for now, life is about discussion, discovery and focusing on your future.
Pisces (February 18 – March 19)
While one of your greatest gifts as a Pisces is your remarkable intuition, both about people and life's practicalities, on rare occasions, you allow yourself to be distracted by the dramas in the lives of others. While you can't ignore their ups and downs, you can have a brief and frank discussion, then return to focusing on your concerns
If you already sense that you're just beginning an exciting new cycle, you're right. In fact, your birthday chart accents both shedding burdensome elements of the past and, equally, developments as stunning as they are unexpected. For now, focus on exploration and discovery. What's more, this is only the beginning. There's far more exciting soon to come your way.
The time has come to review elements of your life that have become such a powerful habit that you no longer realise changes are possible. The secret? Start with a simple, uncomplicated change in one habit that's been undermining your confidence, then take it from there.
For ages you've been talking about making certain changes that would benefit you and others, but you have never got around to it. Over the coming days, opportunities as thrilling as they are rare will be coming your way. Tempting as it is to discuss your options at length, you're urged to plunge in. For now, the more swiftly you respond to them, the better.
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