HE is on a mission to help our pets . . . and is here to answer YOUR questions.
Sean, who is the head vet at tailored pet food firm tails.com, has helped with owners’ queries for ten years.
Q) OUR chinchilla never stops eating.
Whenever I take a look in his cage, he seems to be sitting up on his haunches nibbling away on something.
I only put food down for him in the morning and the evening but somehow he seems to make two meals last all day.
Is this bad for him, should I take the bowl away after a certain period of time?
Brian Finnigan, Belfast
A) That’s pretty normal, they are grazers that need to eat regularly due to their high metabolic rate.
So no, I would never recommend taking his food away.
With rodents and other small furry pets, you generally feed ad libitum which means a constant supply of food and water available.
However, if he’s overweight a weighed amount each day in his bowl alongside quality hay as forage is advised.
I recommend feeding pelleted chinchilla food, ad lib hay and occasional fresh ingredients as a treat.
Q) MY Irish terrier Benji has started hiding his food, which seems really strange to me.
He takes treats out and buries them in the back garden or stashes them behind the furniture.
Do you think there is something wrong with him?
Margaret Cameron, Poole, Dorset
A) I’m also Irish, Margaret, and you can often find me stashing treats around the house too, for when I might be hungry or bored, you know what I mean?
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with Benji. I think this is a normal dog behaviour and can be more obvious in certain breeds than others.
For terriers, who like to dig, it’s in their DNA to bury food or hide it indoors if they’re not in the mood to eat it now but might want it later.
Q) OUR Labrador Marley is very affectionate and loves licking people’s faces.
I don’t mind it at all but my elderly father is a frequent visitor and hates it.
He says it is unhygienic and it makes him nervous, although I know Marley would never bite anyone.
I don’t want to tell him off as I am sure he’s being friendly (Marley not my dad!) but of course I want to help Dad feel more comfortable.
Do you have any advice?
Christine Owen, Tavistock, Devon
A) I’m a dog lover and not averse to the odd face lick myself but your dad is right, it is unhygienic.
Young, old, pregnant and immunocompromised people need to take care when it comes to hygiene and pets, so I’d respect your dad’s concern and train Marley to “leave it” or “no licks” so he can be reined in when folk are uncomfortable with this behaviour.
Q) MY tabby Felix demands food constantly then when I give it to him, only eats a mouthful or two.
An hour later he is begging for food again, scrabbling to get into the cupboard where I keep his biscuits.
What is going on?
Alex Banbury, Derby
A) He’s testing you and your dedication to being his servant.
I don’t think there is anything medical going on from what you’ve told me. But if he has lost weight or seems uncomfortable when chewing then get him checked by your vet.
If not, then it may be a training issue. It may be a battle of wills to break this habit or you could buy an automatic feeder that will dispense his daily allowance of food over a few set times throughout the day.
And stop being at his beck and call.
Star of the week
FRIENDLY Bean is such a star in her local charity shop, she has been given an honorary volunteer award.
The calico cat has been a daily visitor to the Sue Ryder Hospice shop in Taunton, Somerset, for the past five years.
Manager Vicky Woods says: “Bean is a huge asset to the shop. Many people come in just to greet her, so it is not a stretch to say that she is helping fund the care and support we provide. She is a local celebrity.”
Owner Hayley Poole Wood accepted eight-year-old Bean’s certificate, saying: “If her presence can entice people through the door and help Sue Ryder raise more money to support people needing palliative care and grief support, then I’m happy for her to be here spreading happiness.”
AS numbers of abandoned animals soar, pet foster parents are urgently needed.
UK charities are dealing with a record high of pets needing to be rehomed – and it is not just dogs and cats.
Temporary carers for rabbits, guinea pigs, fish, birds and reptiles are also in demand.
Becca Sparks, RSPCA fostering manager, says: “Recently our intake of animals was 42 per cent higher than the number we were able to rehome.
“This leaves many animals in temporary emergency boarding until a space opens up for them at a rehoming centre.
“This makes our amazing foster carers all the more important to us.”
The charity covers expenses such as supplies, travel, vet visits and medication.
Fostering can be for just a few weeks to two years, but the average time is around six months.
Vet assistant Anna Forrester, from Cambridge, has taken in more than a hundred pets. She says: “It’s always sad to see them go but you can’t keep them all if you want to keep helping other animals in need.”
For more information, visit rspca.org.uk/getinvolved/volunteer/whatcanido/ fostering.
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