There are five clues an afterlife really does, in fact, exist, according to a astrophysicist.
Astrophysicist and Christian author Dr Hugh Ross, has shared his five insights that he claims shows proof of an afterlife. His definition of life after death is when the soul leaves the body and goes to another plane of existence.
"I see five or six lines of evidence for the existence of a transcendent realm beyond," he said. "In other words, the biblical 'heaven,' God's spiritual realm of existence."
Dr Ross, a founder of Reasons to Believe, a Californian non-profit organisation that "opens people to the gospel by revealing God in science." He said the first clue appears to be the universe's limits, namely that it may or may not be infinite.
The Canadian said that as there appears to be a limit to what we can observe suggests there is something beyond our observable universe. "Given that mass exists in the universe and that general relativity reliably describes the movements of massive bodies in the universe, these theorems establish the necessity of a causal agent (aka Creator) beyond space and time," he told the MailOnline.
The second clue is what he described as "proven reliability" of the Bible. He claims the Book of Daniel in the Old Testament gave specific predictions about the rise and fall of future empires.
"While the Bible certainly is (and often has been) subject to misinterpretation, reasonably defensible interpretations do show that what the Bible records about history, science, and geography proves correct," he said. Another supposed clue are UFOs, according to Dr Ross.
He said the third clue supposedly comes from people who have had encounters with unidentified flying objects, better known as UFOs. He said the object have been registered as non-physical entities - namely creating currents in the surrounding air.
"The existence of non-physical reality stands as evidence for the existence of a realm beyond the dimensions of the universe," he said. Near death experiences (NDEs) are another believed line of evidence, according to Dr Ross.
He claimed some NDEs might be explained by oxygen deprivation in the brain but that others "remain firmly established." Dr Ross also said the sensations are consistent with Christian beliefs about a soul leaving the body.
A final claim to add to Dr Ross's controversial claims is that praying is effective enough to suggest the presence of "transcendent realm." Speaking to MailOnline, Dr Ross said: "People who are prayed for by believers in the Christian God experience measurably more rapid and complete recovery from surgeries or medically confirmed ailments than do people for whom no such prayer is offered."
Many, if not all, of Dr Ross's claims are heavily disputed by many scientists. There is no scientific evidence to support for life after death. Scientists have not been able to confirm whether a soul does indeed exist.
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