A self-described fruit nerd has revealed exactly why keeping peaches and nectarines in an egg carton in the fridge makes them last longer.
Produce expert and fruiterer Thanh Truong told Daily Mail Australia the viral 'hack' that has been cropping up on TikTok has some merit to it - but is not the best method.
Storing stone fruit below 18 degrees stops it from ripening while putting it in an egg carton - or covering it with paper towel - prevents moisture from making it rot.
'I would say the egg carton trick could help keep fruit for a few weeks,' he said.
'It won't work for all fruit but definitely for things like plums and apricots.'
He has never tried the method but said the science is the same as professionals use to ship fruit overseas.
'At home if I don't plan to eat fruit in the next day or two, I put it in a plastic container or plastic bag with a piece of paper towel,' he said.
He explained it is the same science at work with the carton hack.
The moisture from the fridge, and any bacteria that may come with it, attaches to the carboard or paper towel.
The hack has been posted all over social media in recent days with Australian fruit lovers calling the simple trick game-changing.
'If this works it changes everything because I will be able to buy more when it is a good price,' one woman said.
'I never buy fruit because I don't eat it fast enough but this changes everything,' said another.
While Thanh agrees the hack works, he considers himself a 'fruit purist' and never recommends keeping it for so long.
'You are slowing down the aging process but the fruit is also not going to be as nice,' he said.
In many cases the texture of the fruit will be different.
'I would suggest people buy fruit twice a week instead,' he said.
When he does store fruit in the fridge he also uses the crisper to do so.
'It stays at a more stable temperature, usually between five and six degrees Celsius,' he said.
He always keeps his apples, pears and grapes in the fridge and doesn't believe in having one fruit bowl for everything because each type has different needs.
'The best thing about grapes is that they pop when you bite down and you lose that if you keep them out,' he said.
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