THIS is the fun and fishy brain teaser test your vision and brain power.
Everyone can see the group of grinning sharks, but only those with 20/20 vision can spot the fish in under seven seconds.
This puzzle is at the easier end of the spectrum, so be strict with the time limit.
But you shouldn't get complacent.
The hidden fish looks very similar to all the sharks, so you could be fooled by a red herring.
There is a real range of expressions on show from our finned friends.
Most seem to be in a good mood, spreading wide smiles to reveal gleaming white teeth.
Some of the smaller ones look quite goofy.
And the one in the one in the top right seems to have a backwards dorsal fin.
How are you getting on with the hunt?
If you're struggling, fear not - here's a clue.
Think about what feature might look different on fish to a shark.
Then, study that part of each character - and it should leap out at you.
If you really can't spot it, then head down to the bottom of the page for the solution.
How did you get on.
To check your answer - or if you are just giving up - here is the solution.
And if you enjoyed this brain teaser, have a crack at the others down below.
As always, answers are at the end of the page.
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