An ex-England rugby union international told a court he considered suicide after being framed for rape by an escort who penned a book dubbing herself "The Justified Hooker."
Marland Yarde's England and Sale Sharks career was left in tatters after sex worker Sandra Ntonya rang police and falsely claimed he had sexually assaulted a teenage girl.
Manchester Crown Court heard Ntonya, 44, also stalked the winger for 14 months and repeatedly and wrongly referred to him as a "rapist" in social media posts.
Following Ntonya's allegation police arrested Mr Yarde, 32, and he was forced to leave Premiership side Sale Sharks. He was subsequently cleared of any wrongdoing and no charges were brought against him.
Innocent Yarde - who had been seen Ntonya after breaking up with a girlfriend - told the court he contemplated taking his own life and had to see a psychiatrist. He is currently playing for the French team Bayonne.
Now Ntonya, of Manchester, admitted stalking the rugby star over a 14 month period but narrowly avoided jail after a judge said she "did not present a danger to the public."
Prosecutor Jack Troup explained how "Mr Yarde is a well-known rugby union player" and had spoken to police to detail just how those repeated social media posts affected him.
Mr Troup said: "He reports his mental health suffering and seeking the assistance of a psychiatrist. He reports contemplating suicide as a result of being repeatedly referred to as a rapist.
"He left the country and went to play rugby in France. As a result he had to terminate his relationship with a number of charities in England as it was not feasible to support them.
"It had an impact on his family life. He had to live in a separate country to his daughter. He decided not to relocate her to France but for her to remain with her mother. That caused him significant difficulties."
The court was told Yarde and Ntonya - who has written a book about her 'sexploits' called 'Confessions of a Justified Hooker' - met in 2021 and he would visit her house in Gorton, Manchester.
Mr Troup added: "He and his then girlfriend had separated and his life spiralled out of control. He went from being a caring partner and father to someone who drank to excess. He made a lot of bad choices.
"He said he paid for services of Ntonya as an escort but that they did not have sex - though that is a point of contention for Miss Ntonya.
"He says he saw her three times, and went to her house, and spent time talking to her. She cared for him, he said, and she became a distraction from his issues."
Yarde's troubles began when a young woman stayed over at the property in January 2022. The court heard he gave her a hoodie to wear and put her to bed in Ntonya's spare bedroom where she fell asleep.
But the following morning at 11am Ntonya tipped off media saying the star would be arrested - before calling 999 and alleging he had raped the young woman.
Yarde was detained and quizzed for up to 15 hours before being taken home at 2am the following day. He attended rugby training as normal but then learnt of Ntonya attempts to sell the story of his arrest.
Yarde who won 13 caps for England between 2013 and 2017 left Manchester after training and went to Surrey where he moved in with his parents.
He remained under police investigation for the six months before being told no further action was being taken against him.
Ntonya was arrested again when police were passed the various tweets she posted about Yarde where she posted that people would allegedly "feel sickened at what you may have done in my spare room."
She also tagged Greater Manchester Police into her posts saying, "Why o Why" and hashtagged Rugby Union, Rugby League and Rugby.
Ntonya, who represented herself, said: "Marland is someone who says I did support him at his darkest hour and I was very happy to do that.
''We had a bond and my house became a safe haven during a time of emotional turmoil. It is very sad that has ended up with me standing before the court now.
"I am so sad and very sorry for the enormous stress I have caused because he opened up to me. I just want to express how very sorry I am. I am just a mother and an escort. I have been in turmoil."
Ntonya was sentenced to 20 months jail suspended for two years and was ordered to complete 100 hours of unpaid work, a six months mental health treatment and 15 rehabilitation activity days.
She was also banned from contacting Yarde under the terms of an indefinite restraining order.
Judge John Potter said he took into account Ntonya was full-time carer to a son with ''very significant health difficulties''
He told her: "You are a sex worker and Mr Yarde came to your house on more than one occasion. You became a distraction for him from issues that occurred in his life at the time.
"On the 8 and 9 of January, 2022, Mr Yarde once more came to your house where another woman was present. Mr Yarde gave that woman a hoodie to wear and put her to bed in your spare room and she fell asleep.
"In the early hours of January 9, 2022 Mr Yarde was arrested for the alleged rape of that woman. Mr Yarde left Manchester and remained under police investigation before being told no charges were would be brought against him.
"When Mr Yarde was still under investigation you posted negative comments online and spoke again to the media about the allegations Mr Yarde then faced.
"So far as playing in the English leagues was concerned, his career was over and he had to move to France to continue with his profession.
"To make matters worse you continually posted online material which made multiple references directly or indirectly to Mr Yarde being a ‘rapist’ which was wholly untrue.
"The behaviour towards Mr Yarde was highly abusive and damaging. The behaviour also portrays you as attention seeking and narcissistic.
"He has been significantly affected by the psychological harm that he has suffered due your behaviour."
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