The Cambridge Union Society is a historic debating and free-speech society in Cambridge, England, known for putting on spirited debates addressing some of the most important, and often mostcontroversial, issues of the day.
During a debate on the motion “This House Believes Trump is a 21st Century Fascist,” on February 6, 2025, Tom Slater, Editor for Spiked, spoke as the second opposition for the motion in the Debating Chamber and provided an epic defense of Trump.
Tom Slater: Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, Donald Trump, Il Duce, Der Führer, The Donald, The Roman Salute, The Zekeile, The YMCA Dance. The comparison is so absurd, it practically debunks itself.
Totalitarian control, messianic dictatorship, a cult of racial superiority, para militaries crushing the left at home, a Darwinian militaristic struggle abroad, the worship of war and violence, the mechanized attempt, let’s not forget, to murder all of European’s Jews.
If that sounds like America in 2025 to you, then I suggest you leave here and have a nice long lie down.
Audience member: Point of information.
Tom Slater: In a second. Trump….I’m silencing all dissent tonight.
You can absolutely say that Trump is illiberal, that he’s want to fly off the handle over words that hurt him or democratic votes that do not go his way. But that does not make him a fascist.
If he was in the UK, that would make him a Guardian columnist or maybe a member of the Green Party. The point that I’m trying to make is that if you stretch the definition of fascism in this respect, it’s not just grim, it’s not just wrong-headed, it’s not just against the academic literature or the dictionary definition.
It amounts to plundering some of the darkest moments of human history, exploiting the unique suffering of those who perished in gas chambers and on battlefields in order to score cheap political points.
It also reveals an increasingly out-of-touch bourgeois left that has become so detached, so distainful even, of working-class people, but that whenever they get together and rebel against the establishment, it instantly assumes they have been whipped up into this by some racist, fascistic demogog.
Even when many of those voters are black, are Muslim, our Latino, record numbers of whom backed Trump in November last year.
That’s a strange white supremacy as far as I’m concerned.
If we accept this motion, we accept the dilution of fascism and its horrors.
We defang that word.
We reduce it to a swear word and a smear.
We turn the graveyards of the 20th century into a playground in which to have our own political spats.
That is an insult to the millions who lost their lives to fascism, particularly European Jewry, and I hope you will reject this motion as a consequence.
Thank you.
Watch his full remarks here:
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