Britain's well-earned title as the ‘Sick Man of Europe’ needs changing to ‘The Sick/Idle man of Europe’. This week shock figures revealed that more than half-a-million people on sickness benefits have never had a job. This would suggest they’ve been sick since the day they were eligible to work, which we know they haven’t. We also have 2.8million people now saying they’re too unwell to work and a further 4.2 million working-age folk receiving at least one health-related benefit. So just how are all these people getting away with it? The answer is simple – because they can.
The fact is work doesn’t pay in Benefits Britain, but sitting at home and coming up with excuses not to work does. And so people will continue to do it. We now have 9.2 million people who are what this Government calls “economically inactive”. Translated that means most of them just don’t want to work. And so we pay them to sit at home. Yes, some of those nine million have retired but the majority just can’t be bothered to work. Why the hell are we letting people get away with this? And why is this “economically inactive” thing more prevalent here than in other countries?
I keep hearing that the solution is to make work more attractive. No, it isn’t. It’s to make benefits less attractive. It’s to ensure that being on benefits isn’t a lifestyle choice where people take no responsibility for their own lives.
Stats from the ONS show a record 54.2% of people (36 million) now live in households which received more in benefits than they contributed in taxes.
So, where’s all this dosh coming from? It’s coming from us – the mugs who DO work, who can be bothered to drag our backsides out of bed in the morning, who think it’s morally wrong to claim benefits when we’re perfectly capable of working.
And how many now don’t work and claim benefits because working’s just too stressy? I’ll tell you – figures last year showed one-in-five people took time off work with stress. Hell’s teeth, stress is a fact of life but most of us don’t feel it entitles us to throw a sickie or pack the job in. But people do it because they can.
Sick people leaving the workplace is at a record high, but do we really think that if benefits didn’t come so easily they’d be doing that? Long-term sickness has become a fact of British life and not working is now a habit that many that successive governments have indulged so as not to be seen as “nasty”.
As for those people who’ve never worked, the fact is they never will now because no employer is going to give someone a job who’s never had one.
The OBR, which assesses how well the economy is doing, says ill health has consistently been a bigger factor in the UK than in other advanced economies. And that’s not because there’s something in the air here that’s making people sick. It’s because Benefits Britain makes NOT working more attractive than working.
Shamed MP Mike Amesbury has spent just three nights of his ten week sentence in jail which has now been suspended for two years. This isn’t two-tier justice – it’s no kind of justice at all. And it shows a total disregard for Slugger’s thuggery.
Amesbury was blind drunk when he repeatedly battered seven shades out a constituent on the street and, while the ten-week sentence he got for that was piddling enough, to have it suspended after just three nights behind bars is farcical.
Let’s not forget there are people who’ve been in jail for months because they sent a few fruity tweets after the Southport riots. And what’s the betting Amesbury wont resign from his Runcorn and Helsby seat even though his constituents deserve better than him. But then why would he when the law has made it quite clear that beating people up is no big thing.
Singer Katy Perry is ready to jet off into space as part of Amazon boss Jeff Bezos’ all-woman rocket crew. Good for her. And with any luck she’ll continue to orbit the earth for all eternity singing her very average pop songs.
Only 3% of illegals arriving here by boat get deported, which is why hundreds of them scramble onto dinghies every day to get here from other safe countries. Why the hell not, when getting to Britain is like winning the lottery.
They get put up in hotels (more than 38,000 currently) that most Brits couldn’t afford to stay in. They get their rooms cleaned, their laundry done and three free meals a day. They get shoved to the front of the NHS queue ahead of British taxpayers who’ve actually paid into the system.
They get free education and benefits so they never have to get a job or pay back the gullible country that took them in. Last year a record 108,000 claimed asylum here last year, and a third of those arrived in small boats. Yet still we have a PM and a Home Secretary who are as much use as chocolate fireguards insisting they’re going to stop the boats and smash the gangs when they’re capable of neither.
The Princess of Wales, on a visit to South Wales this week, started a jam war with Meghan by giving her plum jam recipe free for charity while, in the US, Meghan is desperately trying to flog hers for personal gain. Says everything you need to know about the two women, although I’d like to think Kate knew exactly what she was doing giving away her recipe the same week as Megan launched her As Ever range. She’s entitled to a few free digs after the mauling she got from her .
I watched the new Bergerac this week but turned off halfway through because it was awful. Bergerac (Damien Molony) is a grieving alcoholic widower, a dodgy dad and entirely uninteresting. His mother-in-law is the po-faced Zoe Wanamaker, who doesn’t like him and thinks he’s an idiot, and I suspect she’s right.
If this series is supposed to “sell” Jersey and make it look good like the John Nettles version did, then it's already failed miserably. Nettles was interviewed last week and said Moloney played the role a whole lot better than he ever did, which shows what a kind, humble and generous man he is because it’s simply not true!
Actress Daisy May Cooper says schools should ban Shakespeare because when she was at school she didn’t understand it. Well maybe that’s because she’s as thick as mince?
So should we ban everything Ms Cooper doesn’t understand, because I’m guessing it’ll be a very long list. She reckons teaching Shakespeare is the equivalent of going 600 years into the future and making everyone learn about old EastEnders episodes.
Which confirms my “thick “ theory, if she believe EastEnders scriptwriters are in any way comparable to The Bard. But her main argument for forgetting Shakespeare is because “he’s f***ing dead”.
Maybe we’d all be better forgetting Ms May and her foul mouth?
What a snivelling sycophant Keir Starmer is. After telling us all he was flying to Washington to give President Trump hell over Ukraine, he chose instead to do some world class toadying by handing The Donald a personal note from King Charles inviting him on a second state visit to Britain.
Starmer knows that, while the President might see him as a nerdy, twerp with no backbone, he knows how much adores the royal family and so organised an invitation he couldn’t refuse.
I can’t decide whether it was genius or the actions of a bloke with zero charisma who knew only personal intervention from a King was going to save his sorry backside with Trump.
The BBC has just wasted £400,000 of licence payers’ money on a documentary about Gaza which is never going to be shown again because of “serious and unacceptable flaws”. Those flaws could be better described as appallingly shoddy journalism by the BBC and the independent company which made the doco – HOYO Films.
The BBC says the HOYO knowingly misled it about the fact the father of the film’s child narrator is the deputy agriculture minister in Hamas’s government. I’m sorry, but the BBC can’t hide behind the“ we didn’t know argument” here. It had a duty to do its own due diligence checks – and didn’t.
The film also knowingly misinterpreted some of the translated speech from people who took part in the film – misinterpretations that were damaging and disrespectful to Jews. HOYO films insist no money was paid to Hamas. Maybe not directly, but it was paid to his Mother and the fact the boy’s father works for the terrorist group looks decidedly dodgy.
So another massive dent in the BBC’S pretence of impartiality – not to mention the wanton waste of £400,000 of licence payers money. #Defund the BBC
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