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The BBC just aired a new documentary on Gaza. It was titled ‘How to Survive a Warzone’ and this is one of the worst Palestinian propaganda pantomimes you will ever get to see.
It was raw Hamas garbage funded by the British public.
I had written quite an extensive take-down, but the key findings were so outrageous that I put almost everything else aside so they would not get completely lost. Please read to the bottom — you won’t be sorry.
I want to start with the BBC’s elitist arrogance. Professional staffers in London — who speak neither Hebrew nor Arabic and know nothing about the conflict, are used to legitimize a well-oiled Hamas propaganda machine. In this case one of the two co-producers is the filmmaker Jamie Roberts.
Jamie Roberts is so disinterested in it all, that on the evening of October 7 2023, he posted about a documentary on Ukraine.
It is like someone *only* posting about an event in Slovakia on September 11, 2001. There is nothing inherently wrong with it — but it highlights a fundamental flaw with this documentary. Jamie Roberts likely has no understanding of the workings of Gaza at all — and is therefore at the mercy of the honesty and integrity of those he is working alongside.
The other co-director/ producer is Yousef D. Hammash. Which brings us to the first piece of BBC deceit. Jamie Roberts wrote a promo article, explaining how the documentary was put together. He explains they had to co-direct from London because international journalists cannot enter Gaza. This was the reason they needed to employ two local cameramen (more on them shortly).
There is a major problem with that statement. Yousef D. Hammash is Palestinian himself and was living in Gaza until June 2024.
Hammash chose to leave Gaza and come to the UK. The Robert’s article omits all this — and any reader would think that Hammash is as neutral on this issue as Roberts may be.
What is being hidden is that Hammash is a long-standing professional Gazan propagandist. He has recently completed propaganda documentaries for Channel 4. Just scroll through his feed on X. Almost every possible false accusation is there. This man appears to have little problem sharing non-factual content.
Before starting with Channel 4, Hammash even worked for the Norwegian Refugee Council. The NRC provides massive funding to anti-Israel NGOs.
He is a Palestinian activist with a camera. How on earth did the BBC give this man the reins to produce a documentary?
With Jamie Roberts probably unable to do much but nod along, and the Palestinian activist in London pulling the strings — the documentary needed cameramen in Gaza to do the legwork. The two they found were Amjad Al Fayoumi and Ibrahim Abu Ishaiba (although the BBC skewed Ishaiba’s name — I believe his public profiles have him as Ebraheem Ateef).
This is a post from Amjad Al Fayoumi — one of the cameramen employed by the BBC and paid with by your license fee — openly saluting October 7.
Fayoumi also shared ‘resistance’ videos full of terrorists, rockets, and Israeli funerals in 2021.
You would think with 1.7 million or so people in Gaza, there would be a lot of untold stories to tell. This documentary focuses on four. Statistics would suggest these are fresh faces we have never seen. It turns out that is not the case. The BBC only used their first names — but I tracked them all down.
It seems as if there are so few stories in Gaza, the BBC had to borrow targets from other channels.
It is interesting that the story on Renad failed to mention that her family has created quite the online business, and that fundraising for her family had so far received over €215,000 in donations. With average salaries about 10% of western standards- Renad is now a multi-millionaire by Gazan standards. And back in spring 2024 when the BBC was telling everyone that Gazans were starving, Renad was busy doing ‘unboxing‘ videos of international aid.
Not just your ordinary Gazan then. But minor details I suppose — given what comes next.
I want to focus on the young narrator. We are given his name as Abdullah. You need to see this Channel 4 clip from November 2023:
This is where it gets really interesting. On the screen in November 2023 Channel 4 introduce Abdullah as ‘Abdullah Abu Shamalah’. It also introduces us to his father. But that is not his father and that is not his name. Someone was telling Channel 4 lies.
The man in the image presented as his father is Khalil Abushammala.
Abushammala is Director of the NGO, Al Dameer — a hard-core activist group with strong ties to the PFLP. We are witnessing a pantomime directed by Gaza’s elite.
They are genuinely family though. Here is Khalil on FB, giving us Abdullah’s real name as Abdullah Ayman Eliyazouri and calling him his nephew:
It is an interesting video. It is from 2022 and it shows that Abdullah has been shaped as a child propagandist for years. But I now had a name, so I went looking in Abushammala’s timeline for any further clues, and I found this post, tying Abushammala to the ‘Eliyazouri’ clan through marriage:
I now had a likely father for Abdullah, and his name is Dr. Ayman Al-Yazouri. And sure enough I found Abdullah on his timeline:
There are plenty of references to his son Abdullah on his timeline (1,2,3,4). This connection had been hidden, and is not mentioned in the documentary — probably because Dr. Ayman Al-Yazouri holds a senior government position in Gaza.
He is the Deputy Minister of Agriculture, and has held other posts in Education and planning.
Here he is at an event (centre) in full Hamas colours:
The naivety, stupidity and arrogance of our media has long been apparent. It has allowed Palestinian propagandists to turn our legacy channels into foolish outlets blindly spouting Hamas lies 24/7.
Here is a post from Abdullah’s father, praising the Hamas terrorists who murdered four Israelis on 20 June 2023. Just one of many pro-terrorist messages on his timleline:
A basic rule of Gazan life is this: You do not achieve a position of power (head of a hospital, head of anything) unless your clan has factional weight — and you must also hold a respected position within it. The same is true here.
And sure enough on February 11 2021, Ayman Al Yazouri posted his message of mourning:
And another poster linked the family together as notables to be referenced in the mourning post. So we can be clear Ayman Al Yazouri — and his son Abdullah — are part of Hamas royalty:
And finally, Ayman himself — while the head of the family was still alive — asking for a speedy recovery for the ‘dean’ of the family — the founder of Hamas — Ibrahim Eliyazouri.
At the funeral, someone by the name of Ayman Al Yazouri spoke for the family and was presented with a special Hamas shield. There is no footage — but it would be logical to assume that the Ayman who spoke — is the same one holding a position in the Hamas government.
The child of Hamas royalty was given an hour on a BBC channel to walk around looking for sympathy and demonising Israel.
The cameramen followed this family for months. There is no way on earth they did not know who this family was. What about the producers? At the very least the cameramen held back the Hamas ties of the star of their show. How can the BBC possibly justify trusting anything else in the entire documentary?
The current hierarchy at the BBC has turned a once respected state broadcaster into a propaganda outlet for a radical Islamic terror group.
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